I read an article about 'weekend web'. Weekend web is a type of web service that provide in weekend. You know, people use web service variously in weekend. Most people want to enjoy in weekend and leisure and entertainment information is often used in online. Now, many huge web sites are trying to offer customers more valuable service for their weeks. For example, the yahoo and google provide service for map searching and travel sites. But many people isn't use PC for internet in weekend. Because, when they need the online service, they simply click their mobile phones. But this service isn't affordably available yet. In Korea, the most developed internet country, many people use mobile internet. But the service costs are very high and people often hesitate to use the service. In US, many people use mobile internet, but there are not many service and also costs are high. Many US customers want to get information easily in weekend and if the service is available at affordable price, the mobile internet market will grow humongously.
As I wrote on upper side, people use different set of web sites between week and weekend. In week, people mostly use their PC to access the Internet, but in weekend people use mobile phone to access the Internet. In other words, the development of weekend web can be inplemented only if the mobile Internet is developed. Accordingly, many Internet companies are now trying to cooperate with mobile device companies. For example, iphone, Apple's star product, is the most popular mobile device in US, and web companies like Google or Yahoo suggented them to use their mobile version website. Apple also could be better off if they contain many internet service and they accepted the deal. Now, Americans use more mobile Internet in weekend. Through these developments, US Internet companies could find a breakthrough from the very competitive web service market.
I think korean web site Daum and Naver, doing very well in their small market. Their market share in korea is very high and even Google and Yahoo could't win them. But the Google and Yahoo rule the world Internet trend and our companies are just local marketers. Korea's mobile Internet technology is world No.1. But the regional limitation prohibit them to make services like weekend web. Korea have small territory, and people don't use mobile Internet in the weekend. On the contrary, people use more mobile Internet in week. And the most users are 10s. I think it's a creative web service. Because in korea, many entertainment companies are joining the mobile Internet and provide their service. It also the reason of developing game industry. Although there are many web service in US, we also have our definite territory and can be better off by developing new technology. But we have to cultivate our new territory in the worldwide market. For this innovation, our web sites need to equip more international service and capacity for images and information.
Author: Olga Kharif
Title: Welcome to the Weekend Web
Date: May 29, 2008, 12:01AM EST
Page: 2
entry # 12 20700067
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