Professionals call the strategy as user-generated strategy. If you have to invent products, you will need some comments and also make some market surveys. Like this, Nokia is doing some market surveys through free distribution of their softwares. And also, the softwares will improve by customers' feedbacks. Accordingly, we can call these processes as user-generated strategy.
Then how can we achieve this strategy? The author say that it needs to tarket specific customers. Generally, the main tarket of marketing is urban populations. You know, the urban populations are almost 50 percents of world populations. And they have more wealth than any regions of the world. They even buy something for their beauty and convenience. Because of these facts, we need to focus on the urban populations. Nokia make good website for urban people, and they can achieve valuable feedbacks through well-tarketed strategies.
Among these urban populations, Nokia mostly tarketed for tech buyers. Tech buyers are people who need high technologies and want to achieve tasks through these technologies. Since they like these tech, they even buy expensive products. Nokia noticed these features and they tarketed their products for tech buyers. In fact, they did so well in the process of tarketing, and they can achieve great reputation through these processes. Now, Nokia is world's top moblie device company.
I think korean companies are so poor in the process like that. Because korean companies have some prouds of their technologies and ignore customers' feedbacks. They just excused themselves and couldn't make sustainable advantages in their market. If they developed customer-based website and tried to gather feedbacks from customers, they can be worldwide companies. But now, they are not world-class companies. I think the capitals or high achievements cannot tell the class of that company. Rather, the respects to customers and corporate cultures can make a company real meaning world class companies.
Author: Jack Ewing
Title: 'How Nokia Users Drive Innovation'
Date: April 30, 2008, 1:15PM EST
Page: 2
references: http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/content/apr2008/gb20080430_764271.htm
20700067 entry # 9
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