I read an article about flip camcorder. You know the camcorder market is almost dominated by SONY. SONY is a huge japanese electronic company that has great power to the electronic market. And strangely, the simple and no brand name flip camcorder became the most popular product. The Pure Digital, the brand company of filp camcorder, just change some design and make it more simplier than their huge competitors. As a consequence, they hit a great homerun! The selling index in flip camcorder is more higher than the SONY's product. You may think that the customer considers the brand name importantly. But the design and convenience are more important than brand name. Maybe in Korea, the brand name is the most important factor, but westerners think that the brand name isn't very important. These are differences between two cultural locations. A good marketers must have to figure out the tendency of each different market.
Look at the picture. When I saw the picture, I thought that this may be an MP3 player, but this is a camcorder. Generally, camcorders have many buttons and these can make users afraid of the camcorders. Pure Digital removed the unnecessary and complicate buttons and make the design as a user-friendly product. The proto model of flip camcorder was sold in a drug store. And it make people interested and people began to indicate the weaknesses of the proto type model. Through these helpful feedbacks, Pure Digital innovated the first model and now the flip camcorder is a worldwide sensation in camcorder market.
If you want to become a successful marketer, you have to change the existing market. And this processes are often difficult to execute because creative thinking is necessary to the dominant product. Pure Digital just changed the design and improve convenience of the camcorder. The fuctions of the flip camcorder are poorer than it's competitiors, but they improved themselves by focusing on the needs of customers. The success is not away of you, actually, it's very near and you can derive these ideas an any time. I think the breakdown of stereotypes and prejudices are very important to the success of products. In the global market, these creative destructions are keys to the survival of companies.
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