The issue with phone OS virtualization is that much of a phone's unique appeal are its physical attributes, and not only its software features - such as Blackberry's QWERTY keyboard, iPhone's touchscreen, etc. These physical features are then exploited by the software. This is in contrast with PC virtualization, where user interfaces are essentially standard (e.g. keyboard, mouse, screen). Thus the challenge in development of phone virtualization is greater, while the utility is less than of PC virtualization. iPhone software will thus always run better on an an iPhone platform than on a Blackberry.
The virtualizaion for cell phones can upgrade the technology for OS. Through virtualizaion, OS developer's can make tiny and compact OS system that can be applied to the mobile devices. I think korean companies also have to apply these technologies. And we can make our own OS system through virtualizaion. Actually, the OS market is dominated by Microsoft. When we used their software, we had to pay high royal fee. As a result, Microsoft dominated all of our computerized industries. I think it's a great chance for our companies. If we can make our own OS, we can dominate the mobile market more strongly than before.
The mobile internet and virtualizaion are uncultivated sectors. Korea is now standing a crossroad. If we can survive from these technology war, we can be a great nation of world. However, If we can't innovate our technology, we will be a weak country. The innovation cannot occur in a few years. For innovation, we have to accumulate our know-how and technology through ceaseless research and benchmarking.
20700067 entry #8
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