Generally speaking, jop candidates are essentially passive. If we contain the employed candidates, the possibility that candidates are passive even more bigger. And most of the cases, many talented candidates are already employed. Then, how we recruit talented candidates if we start a new business? When we consider the way to attract people to our company, we first think the rewards. And sometimes we convince that higher salary can attract the most talented candidates. But this assumination is wrong. Though a company gives high salary than any other company, they cannot have confidence in recruiting talented people. As I said top of the journal, people are essentially passive. On the contrary, making the rewards outweigh the risks. The real attractiveness to jop seekers is something like an atmosphere and expansion possibilities... etc.
Then how we can attract candidates at first? The article said personalization. If we distribute the ads of recruting, it can be seen as a kitschy company. Accordingly, when we prepare job recruiting we have to investigate candidates beforehand. Secondly, we have to distribute ads to that candidates. Through this process we can pick out talented employees.
I think now Korea companie have to prepare recruiting carefully. In outward appearance, Korea is already a advanced country. Though, this time is beneficial to employers, but the other day Korea companies have trouble with finding talented candidates.
20700067 entry 4
reference: http://www.businessweek.com/managing/content/mar2008/ca20080325_344901.htm?chan=careers_managing+index+page_top+stories
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