From the article's expression, the brand is far from dead or dying.
Then what's differences between the past one and the new one? When I looked at the first one, I think it's so solid and professional feeling. The past logo was developed in the era of IBM. And the logo became so familiar to people, and finally the logo is anymore working as a means of advertising. Because People is now glancing it over and ignore it. So Xerox thought that they have to innovate their name. And now look at the second picture. The font size is smaller than the past one. And the shape of each alphabet is more circle like appearance. Xerox said that the new design is devised to their image more approchable than the past. And the sphere shape at the right of last word symbolize the globe. Recently the globe types of advertisement are prevalent among major companies. For example, Samsung's logo is surrounded by a circle that means global presence of the company. But personally, I think it's not so effective way to Xerox. Because Xerox is a very old company and the logo was the major symbol of the company. So I'm not yet sure about the new logo's possibility. But I think this kinds of innovation are very important things to large major companies. Because if they neglect this marketing things, they soon fail in the tubulance business environment. I think the iriver is a good example of failed companies. A few years ago, they captured all of the world's MP3 market. But they neglect the innovation of their products, and Apple, once the best computer company, captured MP3 market by their special unit, the ipod.
Recently, the global presences of south korea's major companies were getting bigger and bigger. It sounds like a great chance, but I think crisis isn't far from now. It's time to reposition our global presence.
20700067 Kim Nam Joong entry2
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