The spokesman of POSCO states that "...``We try to soften up people's perception that the steel industry is stiff business through various initiatives" (BusinessWeek). So when people visit POSCO for such events, they could also take a tour around POSCO, from the museum and a showroom with comtemporary arts on the ground level of the southern Seoul high-rise tower.
POSCO not only sponsors these classical concerts around their area, but also to have such great sympony concerts at universities nationwide. Because of POSCO's great effort to have a close relationship with the public, the firm states they have established ties with almost 70 percent of Pohang's population.
I think POSCO is trying to place its brand image among the people in order to diminish the public's perception for the steel group as bold and strict image. First, I thought why POSCO would put so much efforts to have that kind of keen relationship with local community; however, as I have spent more time in Pohang, I realized having such factories around the city could make a bad impression for the whole community. However, since POSCO has created ties between both parties, local communities can now have more smoother perception towards the firm. I think this strategy would allow POSCO to have great advantages for moving forward its business aruond Pohang in the future.
Han, Jane. "POSCO Burnishes ‘Steel’ Image" KoreaTimes. 2008/06/05.
20601008 - 13th Entry
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