What sounds like a customer-service gimmick is helping the co-founder of a personal finance Web site build trust
- Wesabe's home page invites users to reach CEO Jason Knight by phone during a four-hour period seven days a week.
When Alden Kellogg discovered a glitch on Wesabe, he went to the personal finance tracker's home page, looking for a tech support number or e-mail. Instead, he found a link labeled "Talk to Jason, CEO of Wesabe."
The page invites users to reach CEO Jason Knight by phone during a four-hour period seven days a week. Kellogg, a 35-year-old attorney in New Orleans, called the number in July, and Knight picked up.
"It basically was like calling member services or technical support of a company," says Kellogg. "You were talking with someone who knew how to deal with a customer and get to the issue you wanted to talk about, rather than [feeling like] I'm on the phone with an executive."
The call is one of hundreds that Knight, 37, has taken since he and co-founder Marc Hedlund launched Wesabe in November, 2006. The site encourages users to upload their financial information to track their spending, set goals, and get tips from other users relevant to their specific purchases. But Knight and Hedlund recognized that, as an unknown startup, Wesabe needed to establish credibility before people would trust them with financial data. Inviting users to call Knight directly would help build that trust.
Now, as the bulk of questions have moved from concerns about privacy and security to reporting bugs and requesting new features, Knight says he can't imagine not spending part of his day taking calls. He sees it as the perfect opportunity to push the brand and get customers to evangelize about it.
"A lot of times people think customer service is just selling, but it's not. It's about helping people make good decisions, and then they'll come back," Knight says.
Matter of Credibility
Wesabe is one of a growing group of personal finance Web sites that have emerged over the last two years as free alternatives to software such as Quicken (INTU) or Microsoft Money (MSFT). Although few of these companies are making money, some plan to profit with subscriptions to premium services or by selling targeted advertising. All make it clear they will not sell data. Knight's 15-person San Francisco company has attracted more than $4 million in venture capital from Union Square Ventures and O'Reilly AlphaTech Ventures. And the evangelism appears to be working: Knight says registered users are approaching 100,000.
Establishing credibility is key for Web sites in this space, says Jim Bruene, editor of trade publication Online Banking Report, who tracks the growth of online personal finance sites. "There's trust issues on any site, but once you get into the financial services, it just multiplies a thousandfold," he says. Bruene predicts companies such as Wesabe will either have to partner with existing financial brands or invest heavily in building their own brands before taking off. "The question for those companies would be, 'can you afford to build it yourself?'"
Building Relationships
On most days, Knight's iPhone rings two or three times with a call from a Wesabe user. Callers ask about security, how to use the site, and whether the service fits their needs. Some offer feedback or suggest features. If Knight can't answer a technical question, he'll hand the phone to one of Wesabe's engineers.
At the core of Knight's approach is his belief that the relationship is more important than the sale. If committed Quicken users call and ask whether they should switch to Wesabe, he tells them not to if Quicken works for them. His bet is that the caller will tell friends about the experience.
"A really good salesperson is not going to treat you like a prospect. They're going to treat you like a human being," he says.
"And if they believe in their product, they're going to see a good fit between you as a human being they should care about and this product they believe in. If it's not a good fit, the ideal outcome is to get somebody into a service that will work for them."
It's a philosophy Knight takes in part from his wife, who owns a women's clothing store. She trains her staff to make sure customers leave the shop with clothes that flatter them—not necessarily the most expensive item they try on. Knight says all businesses should focus on good outcomes for customers, but small firms are ideally positioned to build those relationships. "At the end of the day, the one fundamental differentiator is that you care more and are more invested than any company that has achieved that kind of scale," he says.
Involve Upper Management
So how can businesses replicate the focus on customers that Knight espouses? He says top managers shouldn't shy away from talking to the people who use their products and services. He suggests, at a minimum, executives read customer e-mails. "If you're a CEO that's so busy you don't have time to hear what your customers think about your service, then there's maybe something wrong."
Knight admits he might have to modify his direct line approach if he starts to get more calls than he can handle. If necessary, he says he could cut the time allotted for calls down to an hour. But so far, he hasn't needed to. During an interview or gathering at a friend's house, he has no qualms about picking up his iPhone—which signals him that the call is coming through Wesabe's line—to chat with his users.
"The only time that I have learned to not take customer calls is during board meetings," he says. "My board does not appreciate it."
Relationship with users does not guarantee success, and Wesabe is in a competitive niche.
I think that slight personal touch, no matter how brief that contact is, might be enough to tip the scales in that company's direction, because now we have a face to put to the name.
There will be success in a competitive niche.
20700110 Kim SungKi
3rd entry
the future of Australia wine
I read the news about the wine market of Australia. Nowadays, companies which have grape farms in Australia face the crisis because of the drought which never has been serious like that in a century. Price of grape is falling and irrigation water is stopped. Of course, the main reason of shrinking the Australia wine market is the nature disaster. However, this kind of situation is even far before predicted by the wine market and associations of wine company for many other reasons. First of all, the big issue in nowadays is the world reputation of Australia for quality. By far, Australia compete the other companies being a price winner in the market. So, many consumers even include of me, usually easy to think that the Australia’s wine is much cheaper than others. Therefore, Australia's 2,000 wine producers is trying to invent a new tastes grape, and make a different style from other countries as French where Australians bring the way to crop the grapes. And also the point to see is marketing. The character of wine market is localization. Each country where product the grapes for wine has a unique tastes come from each nature of soil and climate. In order to survive in the world market, Australia needs a distinctive tastes, design, style, characteristic image. Actually, the marketing and making a new image is as much as important of quality. As you know, it is easy to see so many cases that the high technologies or skills cannot success in the market without careful marketing.Even though the bad crisis happened in Australia, they have a confident to rebuild the wine market as much as the period of wine boom. The Winemakers' Federation of Australia mentions that ‘the drought was a turning point, even if a tragic one in some cases, in forcing the industry back to “sustainable levels”. The planting rush has ended. The 3,600 hectares of new vines planted in 2006 almost equaled the 3,400 hectares of vines ripped out of the ground that year.”I also read the history of the wine market in Australia and I think that they can be success again. And I really expected and interested in what kinds of marketing are going to do, and how to they overcome this situations.
20600171 - 3rd entry
Tibet Over the Sponsors of Beijing Olympic
The long-lasting controversy between China and Tibet is breaking out again for the Olympic that will be held in China this summer. The Tibetan activists' main target is Coca-Cola, which is the co-sponsor of the Beijing Olympic torch relay. From Greece to Beijing, the torch will be passed through 21 different countries with more than 21,000 torchbearers by the opening ceremony. Including Coca-Cola, both Lenovo and Samsung are spending millions of dollars to sponsor the torch relay.
But after the recent incident in Tibet where a great number of people was killed during anti-Chinese protest in March, despite of the sponsor company's effort for marketing, the corporate sponsors are being targeted for the blame.
According to the article, Human Rights Watch issued a statement wishing that Samsung, Coke, and Lenovo to pressure the Chinese government for reopening Tibet and rearranging the path for the torch relay to avoid the region. Activists are not the only ones protesting Beijing Olympics, including French President Sarkozy and the U.S. President Bush are also showed their concern on the problem.
The reason why Coca-Cola has been the major target of Tibetan activists is that Coke holds the most shares in sponsoring the relay, and therefore, the activists are pressuring them to remove their sponsorship and lobby the International Olympic Committee to rearrange its relay path that goes through Tibet and Mt. Everest.
All the corporate sponsors have not directly made comment on it yet; however, they showed their willingness to support the relay since it's "...a unique opportunity to share the Olympic values of unity, pride, and inspiration with people all over the world." (BusinessWeek), and in fact, they are not to influence the politics in any ways.
After reading the article, I could surely see that what it means by working through people within the market and how political or even social problems can affect firm's marketing and decision making. When two Korean girls were killed by a tank of Korea-based United States' Army, there was a big boycott in Korea not to buy any products, especially McDonald's. Since I wasn't in Korea at that time, I'm not sure why Koreans picked McDonald's as their main target or how it really affected the company either directly or indirectly. However, it was another good example how people react to certain problems and affect the management of firms even though they are totally not related. I can see how Coke, Lenovo, and Samsung are trying hard to sell their brand through sponsoring the Olympic relay, but I hope that they would also consider people who might use their products in the future, too.
20601008 - 3rd Entry
But after the recent incident in Tibet where a great number of people was killed during anti-Chinese protest in March, despite of the sponsor company's effort for marketing, the corporate sponsors are being targeted for the blame.
According to the article, Human Rights Watch issued a statement wishing that Samsung, Coke, and Lenovo to pressure the Chinese government for reopening Tibet and rearranging the path for the torch relay to avoid the region. Activists are not the only ones protesting Beijing Olympics, including French President Sarkozy and the U.S. President Bush are also showed their concern on the problem.
The reason why Coca-Cola has been the major target of Tibetan activists is that Coke holds the most shares in sponsoring the relay, and therefore, the activists are pressuring them to remove their sponsorship and lobby the International Olympic Committee to rearrange its relay path that goes through Tibet and Mt. Everest.
All the corporate sponsors have not directly made comment on it yet; however, they showed their willingness to support the relay since it's "...a unique opportunity to share the Olympic values of unity, pride, and inspiration with people all over the world." (BusinessWeek), and in fact, they are not to influence the politics in any ways.
After reading the article, I could surely see that what it means by working through people within the market and how political or even social problems can affect firm's marketing and decision making. When two Korean girls were killed by a tank of Korea-based United States' Army, there was a big boycott in Korea not to buy any products, especially McDonald's. Since I wasn't in Korea at that time, I'm not sure why Koreans picked McDonald's as their main target or how it really affected the company either directly or indirectly. However, it was another good example how people react to certain problems and affect the management of firms even though they are totally not related. I can see how Coke, Lenovo, and Samsung are trying hard to sell their brand through sponsoring the Olympic relay, but I hope that they would also consider people who might use their products in the future, too.
20601008 - 3rd Entry
One of the foundations of Wal-Mart's advantage is the way it uses information and logistics to
manage its massive supply chain and closely match what customer need, what suppliers are
Wal Mart's aim is to have goods from a manufacturer arrive at a store and be placed on shelves
just before consumers walk into the store to purchase them. To gain further supply-chain
efficiencies, Wal-Mart also transmits sales information to manufactures on a real-times basis.
I think that this allow the manufacturers to optimize their own production schedules
and delivered products to a Wal-Mart distributor. Do you know a words 'Cross-docking'?
The merchandise from the supplier's truck in unloaded and then immediately transferred to
Wal-Mart trucks that are ready to sort and store inventory at distribute center.
Combine marketing(arranged the goods) and sort of Mechanism(Cross-duck) are competitive
advantage in Wal-Mart.
20300780- Entry3
Secret of Wii's great success
I read a interview about the producer of Nintendo Wii. His name is Johnny Chung Lee. Wii is a game controller that can work as a motion-based machine. And this technology was created by him. Originally, he was a video producer. But when he was yet in his university, he was offered the position of game control producer. And, of course, he accepted it.
The critical reason that he accepted the offer is curiosity. He was played game controller that is equipped with accelerometers. It was cool and had elaborative realities. And he participated in the development of Microsoft Xbox. Microsoft and he wanted to install accelerometers. But it was too expensive to use accelerometers. And Microsoft gave up the technology. After that Lee saw an interesting game machine that have a motion sensor on it. This was the Wii. Lee was so impressed with the machine. And Lee partipate in Wii project and he made lots of capabilities of Wii and made it so cost-effective. And Wii is so attractive to young people and even more older people. Because it is so simple and easy to use. And also it is very fun machine.
I think Wii isn't a simple game machine. It is a innovative technology. The time of virtual reality is not anymore a dream in Wii. And also this machine can work with other equipments like TV, Video, Movie... etc. Wii is a successful case of marketing. Because the machine achieved many of Nintendo's worldwide objectives.
I was admired the fantastic functions of Wii. But I was even more impressed on the marketing strategy of Wii. Actually, the motion-based function or virtual reality was already tried in other game machines. But only Wii is a dominant product. Why? Because in the base of Wii's great success, there were great market strategy in Wii.
20700067 - entry 3
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