I read a interview about the producer of Nintendo Wii. His name is Johnny Chung Lee. Wii is a game controller that can work as a motion-based machine. And this technology was created by him. Originally, he was a video producer. But when he was yet in his university, he was offered the position of game control producer. And, of course, he accepted it.
The critical reason that he accepted the offer is curiosity. He was played game controller that is equipped with accelerometers. It was cool and had elaborative realities. And he participated in the development of Microsoft Xbox. Microsoft and he wanted to install accelerometers. But it was too expensive to use accelerometers. And Microsoft gave up the technology. After that Lee saw an interesting game machine that have a motion sensor on it. This was the Wii. Lee was so impressed with the machine. And Lee partipate in Wii project and he made lots of capabilities of Wii and made it so cost-effective. And Wii is so attractive to young people and even more older people. Because it is so simple and easy to use. And also it is very fun machine.
I think Wii isn't a simple game machine. It is a innovative technology. The time of virtual reality is not anymore a dream in Wii. And also this machine can work with other equipments like TV, Video, Movie... etc. Wii is a successful case of marketing. Because the machine achieved many of Nintendo's worldwide objectives.
I was admired the fantastic functions of Wii. But I was even more impressed on the marketing strategy of Wii. Actually, the motion-based function or virtual reality was already tried in other game machines. But only Wii is a dominant product. Why? Because in the base of Wii's great success, there were great market strategy in Wii.
20700067 - entry 3
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